Estate strategy 2021-2025
The Isle of Wight NHS Trust operates from a number of locations across the Isle of Wight, but the majority of its estate is located centrally at the St Mary’s hospital site in Newport.
As the Trust has a service portfolio unique within the English NHS, its estate requirements are diverse.
The property portfolio covers secondary acute care, mental health, community services, non-clinical support functions and ambulance services.
The St Mary’s hospital site accounts for some 90% of the total Trust occupied floor area with the remaining 10% accounted for within the community estate.
Many of the community properties used were inherited by the Trust or NHS Property Services in 2013 upon the dissolution of the former Primary Care Trust which resulted in the establishment of our Trust.
The Trust’s property portfolio covers 23 sites. Some of these are significant freehold estates such as the St Mary’s hospital site and others more modest leases on property such as small storage areas.
What is behind our strategy
There are a number of key drivers behind our Estate Strategy, including the development of effective care pathways, achievement of statutory compliance and ensuring value for money.
In recent years there has been several local service reviews, spanning back to 2016, which sought to identify how more sustainable care pathways can be developed to support a greater level of services being provided on the Island; reconfiguration of the Trust’s estate is fundamental to ensuring that care pathways are able to be changed to meet the needs of patients and services.
Assessments of the Trust’s estate performance have considered factors including:
- Physical condition
- Functional suitability
- Space utilisation
- Quality
- Statutory compliance
- Environmental management
The outcome of these assessments have informed our investment priorities and estate masterplan to ensure that we are able to provide great places for our people.
Our Estate Strategy and associated masterplan will therefore seek to:
- Provide a solid platform to prioritise investment and prepare for future opportunities
- Align the estate to the clinical strategies and underpin the Trust’s values and objectives
- Ensure alignment with the Isle of Wight Health & Care Plan
- Enable the delivery of New Models of Care
- Improve compliance with Health Building Notes and Health Technical Memorandums
- Improve clinical adjacency through ‘zoning’ of St. Mary’s Hospital site
- Set out our plans for investing in a community Hub and Spoke model that will ease pressure on Acute Services
- Set out plans to introduce flexible and agile working environments
- Reduce the burden of Backlog Maintenance and Critical Infrastructure Risks
- Unlock efficiency through the improved utilisation of space
- Support estate rationalisation and consolidation
- Identify surplus land and buildings for development or disposal
Read the full strategy document here.